Friday, August 22, 2014

Death of Conchobhar Answers


     1)    Explain the ending.  How does this story fit the theme of Paganism vs. Christianity? 

       The ending in "The Death of Conchobhar" is a little confusing in the way that the story starts with a sort of pagan belief that Meis-Geghra can come back from the dead and the reference to drewids. At the end, Conchobhar says that he will avenge the death of Jesus Christ and then dies. I assume that this was a pagan story but was probably recorded by a Christian.  

     2)    Makes inferences (educated guesses based on the information in the text): What is Conchobhar like?  Describe his     personality. 

       King Conchobhar was conceited, in the beginning of the story he was bragging about how he killed Meis-Geghra and after his brain ball was stolen he stopped to talk to some women which is what lead to him being struck with a brain ball.

     3)    Is Conchobhar a good king?  What information informs your opinion?

       No because he showed signs of being careless and reckless, by stopping to talk to women while chasing a thief. As well as recklessly cutting down trees which made his brain fall out.

     4)    What was life like back in this period accounting to the information in the story?

        Life would have probably been simple and people would have believed strongly in rivalries and blood feuds.

     5)    Who was Meis-Geghra?

        Meis-Geghra was a great worrier who was a challenging combatant for Conchobhar to kill.

     6)    How does Cet trick Conchohbar?

       Cet tricks Conchohbar by getting a group of women from out of the area to distract him while Cet strikes Conchohbar in the head from behind.

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