Interest is created by introducing a silent ghost of the former king of Denmark, while on the verge of war.
2) What information are we given to help us understand the situation?
We are given the back story of the old king Hamlet, who fought and killed the old king Fortinbras and won some land from Norway. A great deal of time has gone by and the ghost of hamlet was seen by two guards and a scholar, this is also during the time that they believe Norway might attack to win back their land.
3) What happens at the end of the scene to create suspense and keep up the reader’s interest?
The four men are unable to get the ghost to speak and the ghost of the old king vanished, so they decided to tell hamlet in hopes that the ghost would talk to his own son.
4) What is the mood of the scene?
The men in the scene are cautious, creeped out, and also very curious to find out why the ghost of hamlet had appeared.
5) Why are the sentries apprehensive (there are two reasons)?
First they thought it was pretty strange to see a ghost of their dead king, they are also worried that it might be a warning that war is coming between Norway and Denmark.
6) What reasons are suggested by Horatio for the appearance of the late King’s ghost?
Horatio suggested that the ghost had come to warn them about an upcoming war between Norway and Denmark. or that there might be a treasure hoard.
7) Who are the characters present in the scene?
The present characters are Francisco, Barnardo, Horatio, Marcellus, and the ghost of Hamlet.
8) List one thing Horatio says about the former King?
Horatio said that Hamlet was good at combat because of this one on one battle he had with Fortinbras, which he had won.
9) Who is young Fortinbras?
Young Fortinbras is the son of the former king of Norway which old Hamlet killed and won some land from. Young Fortinbras wishes to go to war with Denmark in hopes of winning back the land his father had lost.
10) What does Horatio say happened in Rome after Julius Caesar was murdered?
Horatio said that all the graves were empty, because the dead had rose up and walked the streets of Rome.
11) How does Horatio differ from Marcellus and Barnardo in scene 1?
Horatio is a scholar while Marcellus and Barnardo are watch guards, this is why they asked Horatio come and explain the appearance of the ghost.
12) What is Horatio’s purpose in scene 1 (why is he present)?
Horatio is there to give back story about the two kingdoms, Norway and Denmark, and also he is there to help reconfirm what the guards had been seeing at night.
13) What past history (Denmark’s history) is revealed in scene 1?
We were told about the bad blood between Norway and Denmark, which started when Fortinbras was killed by Hamlet in single combat and seized land from Norway.
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