1. What is Winston’s dream about his mother? How does he feel about himself in that dream?
He dreamt that his mother was in the saloon of a sinking ship looking up at him under the water, slowly fading from his view. Winston feels responsible for his mother’s death because he believes that she gave her own life so that he could live.
2. What is his dream about the "Golden Country"?
He dreamt that he was in a sunny pasture when he saw a woman with dark hair coming towrds him and took off all he close. In Winston’s eye’s he viewed this gesture as shedding away the opressive influence of Big Brother.
3. What does he remember about the big events of the past? Bombs? Past Wars?
He remembers that as a child everyone was surprise when the air raids first happened and that he went underground with his mother, father, and possibly his sister because he did not know whether or not she had been born yet.
4. Explain the Party slogan, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
“Who controls the present controls the past” this is true because the the people in power can alter historic records to benefit their own political agenda, they can then use these falsified records to manipulate the masses into thinking the way that the do or make the act a certain way.
5. What does he know about the legends concerning Big Brother?
He is and always has been in power, he can accurately predict the future, and is never wrong. But this is because past records are altered in his favor so that he always appears to be right.
6. Describe Winston’s job.
He goes through media resources and “fixes” them, He takes statements made by high ranking officials and changes them if they are later found to be incorrect. He also removes people’s names to make it appear as though they never existed, after every “correction the original copy is sent to the furnace to be destroyed.
7. How is the past controlled?
Past statement’s and event’s source documents are altered in favor of the people in power and then the original copies are destroyed so that others are unable to refute them.
8. What special literature, music, and entertainment is produced for the proletariat (proles)?
They receive newspapers with nothing but gossip, terrible books, sports, pornography, and songs about nothing.
9. How does Winston feel about his work? What sort of "creativity" is involved?
He said that he loses himself in his work, it requires a level of creativity because he has to fabricate stories that protect Big Brother’s interests and cannot be refuted.
10. What is the significance of Comrade Ogilvy?
Winston feels as though he is in competition with Ogilvy to see who can fabricate the best story for the same document about a man named Withers and his organization the FFCC, which supplied cigarettes to sailors, they were to be wiped from existence for unknown reasons.
good answers here!