Wednesday, April 1, 2015

1984 Chapters 5-7 Study Questions

1. What is the problem with obtaining razor blades?

There is a shortage of razors and so they are hard to come by.

2. What is revealed about Inner Party philosophy in the discussion between Winston and Syme?

That the Inner Party is trying to limit people's ability  to form complex thought by reducing the number of words in the standardized language, newspeak.

3. Why does Winston feel that Syme will be vaporized?

Because Winston thinks that Syme is too smart and people who are smart usually disappear.

4. Parsons brags about his children for doing what?

He said that his daughter followed a strange man and then turned him into the police for wearing different shoes than everyone else.

5. What is the significance of the telescreen announcement?

It shows how much control big brother has over the people and how little the people pay attention to what’s going on around them.
6. What are Winston’s feelings about the present time after he hears the cheerful announcement on the telescreen?

He knows that it is all untrue but nobody else sees it.

7. Winston predicts that certain people will be vaporized and that certain people will never be vaporized. Who? Why?

Syme, because he is too smart
O’Brien, he might think the same way as winston.
Winston, he keeps a diary.
Mrs. Parson, her own kids will probably turn her in.
Mr. Parson, he isn’t very smart and is proud to live under the party.
Julia, Winston suspects he of working for the thought police.
The Parson children, they love the spies program they are apart of and the daughter has already turnd someone into the police.

8. What is the purpose of marriage in the state?

To create children for the party.

9. What do Winston’s memories about visiting a prostitute reveal about his attitudes towards sex in Oceania?

He enjoys it but he hasn’t had any positive relationships.

10. How does Winston view the proles?

They are the only group of people with enough power to overthrow the party, but are too ignorant and unorganized to do anything.

11. How are the proles controlled (prole control)?

They don’t have many rules and mostly live for the party controlled lottery, which is riged.

12. What lies/half-truths does the Party teach about history?

They say that they party had been in power longer than they have been, they also say that life was more difficulf before the revolution even thought there is no evidence to support that claim.

13. Winston suspects that the Party lies about progress made since the war. What Party claims does he doubt?

That overall living conditions is better under the control of the party than it was before hand.

14. What is the story of Aaronson, Jones and Rutherford?
They were men that were arrested, then they confessed to crimes they probably never did, were released, and soon after were killed.

15. Why is this story so meaningful for Winston?

He just so happened to have found a picture of the men that was taken during the time of their accused crimes. It was also the only time that Winston had evidence disproving claims made by the party.

16. What is Winston’s unanswered question?

He did not understand why, but he did understand how.

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